Principal’s Message

  • Come to us with enthusiasm, dedication and a few years of your time, and we will provide you the foundation to thrive in the world beyond school by unlocking your true potential.


  • Preparing for secondary school can be a very exciting time. It can also be a time when students feel nervous and unsure about the change. At Vaughan College, we encourage students to become more personally responsible for their learning. This is a great opportunity as well as a great responsibility. However, students do not do it alone. Vaughan College offers a personalized and progressive learning environment with a faculty dedicated to preparing students for the challenges of the future. Our school values focus on instilling within each student the vision, courage and skills to make their community greater, better and more beautiful than they discovered it.


  • The aim of Vaughan College is to guide our young people toward lives of greater fulfillment. The strength of our school is in our clear values and principles. We firmly believe each person has a capacity for goodness and has the responsibility to attain that goodness. By creating an exciting and challenging learning environment built on trust and respect, we believe we can encourage every student to reach beyond what he or she thought possible.


  • Again, the Vaughan College faculty would like to welcome all students and their families to a year of academic excellence.


  • Principal